Contact us

For further information

If you have any questions, need assistance or would like to schedule an appointment, we look forward to hearing from you.

How can we help? Let us know!

    Work with us

    Alfa Group is constantly looking for talented professionals to join our team.

    Technical Support

    Roma switchboard:
    Bologna switchboard:

    E-mail address:

    Our locations

    Sede di Milano:
    Via Quintino Sella 4
    20121 Milano
    Sede di Roma (sede legale):
    Via Fiume Giallo 3, 00144 Roma
    Tel. (+39) 0652244040
    Fax: (+39) 0652244427
    Sede di Bologna:
    Via Caduti di Amola, n. 11/2
    40132 Bologna
    Tel. (+39) 051 6167239
    Fax: (+39) 051 6167288
    Porto San Giorgio
    Sede di Porto San Giorgio:
    Via Martiri di Cefalonia, 8
    63822 Porto San Giorgio (FM)
    Tel. (+39) 0734 217139
    Fax: (+39) 0734 215217
    Amersfoort (NL)
    Sede di Amersfoort:
    Stuwdam 33 3815 KM
    Londra (UK)
    Sede di Londra:
    Alfa Group Global Ltd
    First Floor
    34 St. James’ Street
    Londra SW1A 1HD

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